Saturday, September 22, 2012
feel like i'm dying. dying. dying.
are you scared?
Friday, September 21, 2012
everyday, we're all just dying a little. by little. slowly.
didn't notice? but we are.
every minute, every second. we're dying.
just a little bit. inside, and out.
every hour passed, we're growing a little older.
dying a little faster.
another second of our life flashing past our eyes,
gone. gone for ever.
dont know why i have such a intense fear of dying slowly.
i wouldn't mind leaving the earth by my own will.
okay fine. lets stop sugarcoating it.
i wouldn't mind euthanasia. or suicide.
i just don't want to slip into a slow decay.
rotting from the inside. numbed,
by the insignificant tirades that mire our daily life
don't want to fade away.
but oh, you do don't you?
you warped attention seeker
you want to face enough that people notice,
but still hang on, like must pathetic loser, at life
with your insecurities. isn't that why we all want to be thin?
thin enough to almost disappear. but none of us really want to die.